Provide support for those overcoming alcohol addiction through AA Open & Closed meetings countrywide. Find the full list of branches and contact numbers hereAA currently have 288 groups in Ireland. Find a meeting that suits you here.

For family and friends of alcoholics, providing help to recover from the effects of living with those withdrinking problems. Find a meeting near you – electronic meetings available, some face to face meetings available or see the full meeting list of pre-pandemic meetings. Helpline available 365 days a year manned by volunteers.
- Helpline: (01) 8732699 (Daily 10 am – 10 pm)
- Web: www.alanon.ie

HSE Helpline and website providing information on alcohol & health for anyone with concerns about alcohol. Sections on mental & physical health, information for family, parents & teens including sign-posts to supports plus drinks calculator etc.
- Helpline: 1800 459 459 (Monday to Friday 9.30am to 5.30pm)
- Web: askaboutalcohol.ie

For those overcoming all types of drug & narcotic addictions. Find meetings both face to face and online here.
- Phone: 00 353 1 6728000
- Email: info@na-ireland.org
- Web : na-ireland.org

For under 18’s with drug or alcohol problems, providing psychiatric & medical assessment, family therapy, one-to-one counselling, and family support
- Phone: 00 353 921 4978
- Web: hse.ie