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In 2004, 3Ts provided two grants in the sum of €10,000 each to St Vincents University Hospital (SVUH) Department of Psychiatry and the INSURE Project .

SVUH has a tradition of supporting mental health initiatives and currently houses the SVUH / UCD School of Psychotherapy, a leading national enterprise in psychological therapy training.  SVUH also supports the Department of Psychiatry & Mental Health Research where research is undertaken on suicidal depression.  Projects underway at the time of the 3Ts donation included studies of occupational-specific risk factors for suicide (such as doctors & gardai), suicide hazard studies such as a study of suicide on Irish Railways and Health-related risk factors for suicide such as a study of Suicide and Skin Disease (a potential trigger factor in younger men).  The 3Ts funding contributed to supporting a research assistant for a six-month period to work on these projects.


Led by Prof Kevin Malone adn his team at SVUH, The Ireland North South Urban Rural Epidemiologic (INSURE) collaborative Project on Suicidal Behaviour in Major Psychiatric Disorders received €10,000 in  funding from 3Ts in 2004 and had research fellows in Dublin, Midlands, Ballinasloe, Letterkenny, Omagh and Belfast.  Over 1,700 patients with suicidal crises were clinically interviewed as part of the research, which also involved a smaller study of molecular genetics and novel braining imaging. 3Ts funding of €10,000 supported the expert analyses to maximise the knowledge gathered within the project, guiding the design of tailored intervention strategies evaluated by the team.

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