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Information & Support

Whatever your mental health concern, there are people & organisations who want to and who can help you.

In these pages, 3TS provides a reliable source of information on a range of mental health issues including suicide, self harm, depression, anxiety and many more.  Our directory of crisis helplines and specialist support services is comprehensive.  Whatever your mental health concern, here you'll find information on the service that is right for you. 

Crisis Helplines & Specialist Support Services

Everyone’s concern is unique to them and understanding the issue is the first step in recovery.  Our primary aim is to provide support by empowering you to learn more about the issues that concern you and the help and supports that are available. 

Each section also outlines how you can Get Help for yourself and how you might Give Help to a friend or family member who is struggling.  We include practical resources and signposts for getting help in an emergency in Ireland.

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